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YouTube - Bartlet tells Toby about the MS

[sarcastic] Toby's concerned that the peaceful solution I brokered in Kashmir last year was the result of a drug-induced haze.

Toby looks at the President.

[to Toby] I was there with him. So was Fitz. So was Cashman, Hutchinson, Berryhill...
Well, that's fantastic.
None of you were elected!
I was elected, they were appointed. [points at Leo] The Vice President was elected. He has the constitutional authority to assume my...
Not last May he didn't. [rises] He didn't last May when you were under general anesthesia.
That's because I never signed the letter, but I don't think I got shot because I got MS.
I don't think you did either, sir. I meant that during a night of extreme chaos and fear, when we didn't yet know if we'd been the victims of domestic or-or foreign terrorism or even an act of war there was uncertainty as to who was giving the National Security orders and that was because you never signed a letter!

Leo looks uncomfortable. The President glares at Toby.

So I'm led to wonder, given your condition and it's lack of predictability why there isn't simply a signed letter sitting in a file someplace? And the answer, of course, is that... [laughs] if there was a-a signed letter sitting in a file someplace, somebody would ask why.

Bartlet looks angrily at Leo.

[angry] The Commander-In-Chief had just been attacked. He was under a general anesthetic. A fugitive was at large, the manhunt included every federal, state and local law enforcement agency. The Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware National Guard units were federalized! The KH-10 showed Republican Guard movement in southern Iraq. [yelling] And twelve hours earlier an F-117 was shot down in the no fly, and the Vice President's authority was murky at best!

Barely controlling his anger, Bartlet walks behind his desk.

The National Security Advisor and Secretary of State didn't know who they were taking their orders from! I wasn't in the Situation Room that night but I'll bet all the money in my pockets against all the money in your pockets that it was Leo... who no one elected! For 90 minutes that night there was a coup d'etat in this country.

Bartlet stands furious. Leo looks at Toby.

And the walls came tumbling down. I feel fine by the way. Thanks for asking.
[angry] No, Leo. Toby's concern for my health is moving me in ways...
Mr. President....

Bartlet furiously throws the folder across his desk.

[yelling] SHUT UP!

Bartlet stalks back around the desk and faces Toby.

[condescending] You know your indignation would be a lot more interesting to me if it weren't quite so covered in crap!

Charlie stands in the doorway.

[while glaring at Toby] Yeah.
CHARLIE Mr. Garreth.
[acknowledges Charlie] Thanks.

Charlie quietly closes the door behind him.

[angry] Are you pissed because I didn't say anything or are you pissed because there were 15 people who knew before you did? I feel fine by the way. Thanks for asking.

Bartlet walks to the other side of the room. Leo, standing between them, stares in shock.He puts his hand to his forehead. Toby stands quietly looking at nothing.

[to Bartlet] Take the call in here.

Bartlet nods.

[to Toby] We'll step outside for a minute.
Leo motions to the door. Bartlet glares at Toby. Toby looks at him quickly before following Leo out. Bartlet walks back over to the couches and collects himself for a moment. He then picks up the phone.
[into phone] Yeah, this is the President.
舌を出して馬鹿にする行為の名称【The West Wing】Marlee matlan
THE WEST WING - NOEL - As long as I got a job, you got a job, you understand?
THE WEST WING Let Bartlet be Bartlet
THE WEST WING Banana Bar, Panda Bear
【THE WEST WING】Episode List

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THE WEST WING ファースト・シーズン コレクターズ ボックスTHE WEST WING セカンド・シーズン コレクターズ・ボックス [DVD]THE WEST WING サード・シーズン コレクターズ・ボックス [DVD]THE WEST WING フォース・シーズン コレクターズ・ボックス [DVD]THE WEST WING フィフス・シーズン コレクターズ・ボックス [DVD]
未分類 [ 2009/08/31 22:59 ]