LEOHow bad is it?
TOBYCNN/USA Today puts our job approval at 42%.
LEOWe dropped five points?
LEOIn a week?
TOBYHis unfavorables are higher than his favorables for the first time. Fifty-four percent of the country is likely to vote for a Republican Congressional candidate in November.
LEOWe dropped five points in a week?
LEOWe didn't do anything last week.
TOBYI'll say.
LEOToby, when you start thinking about jumping ship, you'll let me know, right?
TOBYOne victory in a year, Leo.
TOBYMendoza. We got Mendoza on the Court.
LEOThis President was elected with 48% of the vote, Toby.
TOBYYeah, but he was elected.
LEOWithout a mandate. The majority of people in the country voted for somebody else.
TOBYI don't care, Leo. He was elected. He was sworn in. I was standing ten feet from the chief justice.
LEOI'm saying it's not the easiest circumstance on...
TOBYWho the hell said it would be easy?
LEO... One victory in a year isn't so bad!
TOBYOne victory in a year stinks in a life of an administration. But it's not the ones we lose that bother me, Leo. It's the ones we don't suit up for!
[pause] And I'm not too crazy about you questioning my loyalty just then.
Someone knocks.LEOYeah?
C.J.[comes in] Hey.
LEOOh. Hey C.J.
C.J.The President's reading Mandy's memo. I just gave it to him.
LEOI wish you hadn't done that, C.J.
LEOIt's just gonna piss him off.
C.J.It's gonna be in the newspapers tomorrow.
LEODid you find out who has it?
LEOAnd he's writing it?
C.J.Yeah. It should run right next to the new polling numbers.
Josh and Sam come in from the other door.JOSHHow did we drop five points in a week?
LEOIt happened. Let's move on.
JOSHWhat I think is, the Senate will confirm Bacon and Calhoun. They'll have to ‘cause their credentials are too good, and the voters want campaign reform. As a punishment, they'll roll out a legislative agenda designed to force the President to come down on the unpopular side of everything. For instance, they'll bring out English as the national language. I believe-
LEOWe're not gonna let it on the table.
JOSHI think we shouldn't be afraid-
JOSHLeo, I think we shouldn't be afraid to get into it on English as the-
LEOHe's not gonna let it on the table.
JOSHThen we'll live with their candidates for the F.E.C.
LEOAs we always have.
LEO[to Sam] What about you?
SAMMy meeting?
SAMIt was the same meeting we've been having for...
[beat] It was fine.
Everyone's faces are covered with sadness. Charlie knocks and walks in from the Oval Office.LEOYeah?
CHARLIEI'm sorry to interrupt.
[points to the Oval Office]LEOYeah.
Leo stands and goes into THE OVAL OFFICE. Bartlet is seated in a chair, with memo in his hand. Leo comes in. Charlie closes the door and stays there.BARTLETWho's got this?
LEODanny Concannon.
BARTLETWhy am I just finding out about this now?
LEOWe spent most of the day learning about it ourselves.
BARTLETI really did wake up energized this morning.
LEOI know.
BARTLETI never go to bed that way.
LEOI know.
BARTLETJust once, in this job, I'd like to end a day feeling as good as I did when the day started.
[pause] Are you bothered by this?
LEOThe memo?
BARTLETWe've heard it all before, Leo. You drive me to political safe ground. It's not true.
LEOI know it's not true.
[heads for his desk]LEOYou drive me there.
BARTLET[turns] What the hell did you say?
LEOAnd you know it too.
LEOWe're stuck in neutral because that's where you tell me to stay.
BARTLETYou're wrong.
LEONo. I'm not, sir.
BARTLETYou want to do this now?
BARTLETYou came to my house, Leo.
LEOMr. President?
BARTLETYou came to my house, and you said, “Jed, let's run for President.” I said, “Why?” And you said, “So that you can open your mouth and say what you think!” Where'd that part go, Leo?
LEOYou tell me, Mr. President. I don't see a shortage of cameras or microphones around here. What the hell were you waiting for?
LEOEverything you do...
BARTLETThis morning-
LEOEverything you do says: “For God's sakes, Leo. I don't want to be a one-term President.”
BARTLETDid I not say put our guys on the F.E.C.?
LEONo sir. You did not do that.
LEOYou said -- No! You said, let's dangle our feet in the water of whatever the hell it is we dangle our feet in, when we want to make it look like we're trying without pissing too many people off!
BARTLETYou're writing a fascinating version of history, my friend.
LEOOh, take a look at Mandy's memo, Mr. President, and you'll read a fascinating version of it.
BARTLETYou brought me in on teachers. You brought me in on capital gains. You brought me in on China. And you brought me in on guns.
LEOBrought you in from where? You've never been out there on guns. You've never been out there on teachers. You dangle your feet, and I'm the hall monitor around here. It's my job to make sure nobody runs too fast or goes off too far. I tell Josh to go to the Hill on campaign finance, he knows nothing's gonna come out of it.
BARTLETThat's crap.
LEOSam can't get real on Don't Ask, Don't Tell because you're not gonna be there, and every guy sitting across the room from him knows that.
BARTLETLeo, if I ever told you to get aggressive about campaign finance or gays in the military, you would tell me, “Don't run too fast or go to far.”
LEOIf you ever told me to get aggressive about anything, I'd say I serve at the pleasure of the President.
[pause] But we'll never know, sir, because I don't think you're ever gonna say it.
BARTLETI have said it, and nothing's every happened!
LEOYou want to see me orchestrate this right now? You want to see me mobilize these people? These people who would walk into fire if you told them to. These people who showed up to lead. These people who showed up to fight.
[points at Charlie] That guy gets death threats because he's black and he dates your daughter. He was warned: “Do not show up to this place. You're life will be in danger.” He said, “To hell with that, I'm going anyway.” You said, “No.” Prudent, or not prudent, this 21 year old for 600 dollars a week says, “I'm going where I want to because a man stands up.”
[pause] Everyone's waiting for you. I don't know how much longer.
BARTLETI don't want to feel like this anymore.
LEOYou don't have to.
BARTLETI don't want to go to sleep like this.
LEOYou don't have to.
BARTLETI want to speak.
LEOSay it out loud. Say it to me.
BARTLETThis is more important than reelection. I want to speak now.
LEOSay it again.
BARTLETThis is more important than reelection. I want to speak now.
LEONow we're in business!
Leo goes to the table and picks up a pen and writes on a pad.BARTLETWhat's happening?
LEOWe got our asses kicked in the first quarter, and it's time we move up the mat.
LEOSay it.
BARTLETThis is more important than reelection. I want to speak now.
LEO[while writing] I'm gonna talk to the staff. I'm gonna take them off the leash.
BARTLETYou have a strategy for all this?
LEOI have the beginnings of one.
BARTLETWhat is it?
LEOI'm gonna try that out for a little while.
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